Mt. Olivet Baptist Church

led screens illuminate sanctuary and worship experience
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church was founded in Columbus, Ohio, on Easter Sunday in 1907. The church originally held services at the Jacob Stern Warehouse on Donaldson Street—and then purchased its current site at 428 E. Main Street in 1929, the year of the Great Depression.
“The enhanced technology has provided us the opportunity to incorporate much better graphics and videos into our worship experience.”
The church engaged Integrated Building Systems to solve its audio-visual challenges:
In response to COVID restrictions, how could they improve streaming services for remote worship?
With the future in mind, how could they improve audio and visual presentations in the sanctuary once the congregation resumed in-person worship?
“We chose Integrated Building Systems because they provided our church with a very thorough but affordable solution to our audio-video needs,” said Stan Harris, Chairman at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church.
Integrated Building Systems recommended new 135” LED displays to replace digital screens in the sanctuary. As shown in the photo above with the old digital screen on the left side of the pulpit and the new LED on the right, the new screens provide unmatched brightness and clarity from any vantage point.
Additional upgrades to the lighting and soundboard systems created a holistic, modern presentation system.
“The new technology has provided a much-improved picture for our livestreamed worship services as well as higher-resolution pictures on our new sanctuary video screens,” Mr. Harris explained. “The enhanced technology has provided us the opportunity to incorporate much better graphics and videos into our worship experience.”